Inlays and Onlays

S. from Sherman Oaks had broken tooth, wanted same day fix

Patient Information:

Age: 50 – 59
Gender: Female

Procedure Details

S. from Sherman Oaks had broken tooth, wanted same day fix. We used a conservative approach and with our cerec cad/cam machine were able to restore his tooth back to normal.

Same Day Onlay

T. from Tarzana wanted to replace his failing silver filling in 1 visit

Patient Information:

Age: 40 – 49
Gender: Male

Procedure Details

T. from Tarzana wanted to replace his failing silver filling in 1 visit. Underneath the old mercury fillings there was extensive decay. In 2 hours, we were able to restore all the teeth with porcelain onlays and crowns. The patient was so happy to be done in 1 visit without the need for temporaries.

Bite View

Digital View with Cerec

J. from Encino wanted a same day onlay with no temporary

Patient Information:

Age: 40 – 49
Gender: Female

Procedure Details

J. from Encino wanted a same day onlay with no temporary. After 1 hour, we were able to replace his failing silver filling with a ceramic onlay. He was very impressed with the technology of cad cam cerec dentistry done in 1 hour.

Close up View

Digital View

J. from Encino had a cracked tooth and wanted it replaced with porcelain

Patient Information:

Age: 30 – 39
Gender: Female

Procedure Details

J. from Encino had a cracked tooth and wanted it replaced with porcelain onlay same day. After 1 hour, a minimally invasive onlay was placed and J. was extremely happy. He had bad experiences with temporaries and was so relived that he would not have to come back a second time to have the tooth fixed.

Close up View

Digital View

J. from North Hollywood wanted to replace his mercury silver filling

Patient Information:

Age: 40 – 49
Gender: Female

Procedure Details

J. from North Hollywood wanted to replace his mercury silver filling. He wanted a permanent solution and opted for a porcelain inlay. Using the CEREC cad cam digital machine we restored his tooth with an all porcelain Inlay in 1 hour
